Monthly Newsletter: July 2024
A Life of Faith: The life of faith is learning to live in the power of Someone else. Godly faith amounts to TRUST.
Do we trust God based on what we’ve seen of His nature and character? Faith as a confident look to the future based on reliance on God’s promises. This trust leads to obedience.
The main thing about Christianity is not the work we do BUT the relationship we maintain.
That is all God asks us to look after, and it’s the one thing that is constantly under threat.
Christian Economic Forum (CEF) Annual Summit, Quebec City – July 2024
We are blessed to attend the Christian Economic Forum in Quebec City this past July. We saw and heard firsthand stories from Christian Leaders all over the world, showcasing God-inspired solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. We’ve met a couple from Madagascar who are close relatives of the current President and watched the message spoken by the Madagascar’s president thanking CEF for transforming his nation’s legacy. As if that’s not enough, we were privileged to be given the opportunity to facilitate one of the collaboration workshops on Redemptive Real Estate.
CGF Focus
Creating an ecosystem for Real Estate Kingdom Leaders to pray, to share the calling God has given to each one of us, to collaborate, and to explore ways we can serve more effectively together.
Be praying with us as we are seeking God’s direction and the Holy Spirit’s inspiration in the following areas as well as key leaders’ participation in the intellectual and financial support.
CGF mission and vision executed and integrated by the 4 pillars:
Pillar I – Ownership & Development
Closed on Villas Del Rio, 168 units, Las Vegas. We thank our investors for their trust in investing with us on both a non-profit and for-profit basis.
Held a one-day Pillar I [Ownership & Development] deep dive in Dallas, TX, where key Multi-family Owners & Operators with proven track records agreed to collaborate on a Real Estate Fund and to use our business as a platform for ministry. A collaborative Real Estate Fund will be launched in Q4, 2024.
If you are interested in investing alongside CGF for a market-rate return with tax shelter options, please reach out to,
Pillar II – Mission 98 | Bring Christ to the People
Activated our first Multi-housing Ministry pilot project in San Antonio and Central TX region. Robby Solomon has agreed to lead the ministry starting on August 1st, 2024 as our Regional Director. Robby and Amy Sullivan, Mission 98 Executive Director, will work closely on the goal, strategy, and execution of this ministry, alongside the local Apartment Life team.
Finalizing Ministry Impact Reporting in Our Communities by collaborating with Apartment Life, including life-changing stories and ministry development.
Pillar III – Faith-based Real Estate Investment & Property Management Education
Focusing our effort in integrating Faith-based Wisdom in Real Estate Professional Management. The practical application of Biblical wisdom what it means to be a servant leader, to see our profession as a calling.
Finalizing a Task force charter and the Chair to lead this task force.
We appreciate Ron Blue, John Kaites, Nick Ellis|CHI, Stephanie Helling, and other Key Leaders for being our cheer leaders in this effort.
Pillar IV – Mentoring & Special Events/Community Support
September 24 – 26: Mission 98 First Retreat - YMCA of the Rockies, CO.
November 14, 15: Redemptive Real Estate National Conference – Dallas, TX.
Faith Driven Investor, Real Estate local hosting event is being discussed and planned.
Book and Podcast is being planned.
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